Chapter One
1. Innovation as a centerpiece of corporate strategies and iniative
2. prototyping as process and philosophy
3. brainstorming = pervasive cultural influence (IDEO)
4. The Method
1. Understand
2. Observe
3. Visualize
4. Evaluate and Refine
5. Implement
5. Need a culture where creativity can flourish- one that embraces risks and wild ideas and tolerates the occasional failure
Chapter Two
1. importance of atmosphere
2. networking approach to problem solving
3. energy key to success
Chapter Three
1. observation-fueled insight makes innovation possible
2. pay attention- make a "bug list" full of problems and observations
3. stay close to the action- digital will not always do it
4. work with human behavior rather than fighting against it
5. holistic multidisciplinary approach/ integrative
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